War Memorial

The War Memorial

The original War Memorial was erected in 1958 following the gift of the land to the Parish Council by the Rochford British Legion, to commemorate those who fell in WWII. (The WWI memorial is situated in St Andrews Church, Rochford). The British Legion Hall stood on the site at the Junction of East Street and Weir Pond Road until 2001 when it was demolished, and three houses were built. The memorial stone, and surrounding area became “tired” with age, and the location caused concern, particularly with the increasing amount of traffic using this junction. About ten years ago, the Parish Council carried out a survey of residents to seek views on whether to move the Memorial to another site within Rochford. The results showed that the existing site was preferred by most people. In 2007, following a generous grant from the Essex County Council Community Initiatives Fund, the Parish Council created a new memorial stone and enhanced the garden around it.  Every year on Remembrance Sunday, following the service at St Andrews Church, residents gather for a short service at the memorial, to which everyone is welcome.

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