St Mark’s Hall

St Marks Hall
St Marks Field

01702 540722

St Marks Hall is the home of “Footprints Community Group”.
The Parish Council is proud to work with their founder Jackie Pope.
Watch this space for details of the activities organised for the local community.

Picture Left to Right, High Sherrif of Essex, Councillor Jo McPherson, Ms Jackie Pope and one other person receiving the Queens Award for voluntary services

Footprints Community Group was honoured to receive the Queens Award for Voluntary Services from the High Sheriff of Essex.

St Marks Hall Food Bank in Rochford has been distributing food parcels to 120 Rochford families through the pandemic, thanks to people like the Rochford Rotary Club, with funding, and the Co-op, Fairshare and Waitrose, with food donations and assistance.The recipients are from a cross section of society and only take advantage of the scheme because of severe hardship. The distribution is very selective and gratefully received.It is interesting to note that since starting the scheme, over 20 tonne of landfill has been saved and over 38000 kg of CO2 emission has been saved via Waitrose alone.Rochford Rotary Club President, Rotarian Peter Mannering said “The Club was delighted to provide financial support in the very difficult circumstances faced by so many families in our area.”The picture shows Peter and Jackie Pope, one of the superb distribution team, following the donation for this very worthy local cause.

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