Rayleigh recycling centre – booking system from 6 June 2022

10th May 2022

Rayleigh recycling centre service announcement

From 6 June 2022, people who use Rayleigh recycling centre will need to book a slot in advance.

You can book your slot online up to 2 weeks in advance. The booking system can be accessed via the @LoveEssexUK website – either on your own phone, tablet, or computer or at any Essex library.

More info: www.loveessex.org/bookings

  • Bookings will close two days in advance to allow for detailed lists to be provided to the sites and administrative teams. The booking system will be frequently reviewed to ensure it is working efficiently; however, it is set to be in place for the foreseeable future.  Any decision to retain a booking system in the longer term will be subject to formal decision-making processes.
  • Reminder that there is never any justification for fly tipping. It is a criminal offence that can result in prosecution. There has been no evidence that changing the nature of the recycling centre service leads to an in increase in criminal behaviour.
  • If you have limited internet or accessibility issues that may restrict you from booking your slot online, there are alternative options to book a slot.
  • In the first instance, do you have a smart phone on which to make the booking and display the booking information (the booking does not have to made on a computer and there is no need to print the booking)?
  • Could you receive assistance from a friend, family member, colleague, carer or neighbour? You are also able to visit your local library where you can use the internet free of charge to book a slot and can also print your confirmation.
  • As a last resort, you can phone the Essex County Council contact centre on 0345 743 0430 Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm who will make the booking on your behalf.


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