Funding Opportunities
4th May 2022
Litter picking equipment
Active Essex have teamed up with Essex County Councils “Love it Here, Don’t
Leave it Here” campaign to hand out free litter picking equipment to local residents
and litter picking groups. After initial success offering this free equipment further
funding through Active Essex’s ‘Find You Active’ Campaign has been sourced.
The ‘Love it Here, Don’t Leave it Here’ campaign is a collaboration with district,
borough and city councils and aims to tackle litter in parks, green spaces and high
streets. It urges residents to dispose of litter correctly or take rubbish home with
Parish councils are invited to get in touch if they have active litter picking groups or
would like to encourage local residents to establish a litter picking group. Plastic
bags, Bag hoops and Helping Hand Litter Picker are available. Please contact
Juliette Raison to arrange delivery.
Essex Cycle Grant
The Essex Cycle Grant, provided by Active Essex and Essex County Council has been
launched to support organisations throughout the county to engage with more people
to get them cycling.
The grant will support projects that aim to help residents learn to ride or access a bike,
alternatively also supporting those who are more confident, to explore more of Essex
on bike.
Groups, clubs and initiatives who utilise the grant will help increase local, inclusive
cycling opportunities and target residents who aren’t regular cyclists, or are new to
cycling, to regularly take part. The money can be used to start up new activities or
increase the numbers attending existing activities.
For more information about this grant please visit: Essex Cycle Grant – Active Essex
Active Essex – Together Fund
Active Essex has received funding from Sport England’s Together Fund to support
communities who have been most affected by Covid and found it difficult to become
or remain active.
This includes the following 4 target groups for this funding:
• Culturally Diverse Communities
• Disabled People
• People with Long Term Health Conditions
• Lower Socio-Economic Groups
Use of Funding:
The funding is for constituted not-for-profit organisations and groups that want to find
ways of getting one or more of the above target audiences active, who have been
adversely affected by Covid-19 in some way. For example, this could be through
becoming socially isolated, impact on mental health, impact on physical health,
impact on financial ability to pay for usual activities, closure of usual opportunities
that kept them active etc. There must be a clear ‘line of sight’ to sport and physical
Organisations/ Groups will firstly communicate with their Active Essex Hub contact
about their project idea, if you don’t know who your Active Essex Hub contact is
please contact and include your organisation’s
location. If your Active Essex Hub contact feels the project meets the Together Fund
criteria, they will send an application to be completed and returned.
Ride London Activation Fund
RideLondon has created an exciting moment for Essex, which will inspire people to
get active, bring people together and ignite communities. To celebrate Active Essex,
working alongside Essex County Council and the Essex Association of Local
Councils, has put together a package of support for local councils, groups and
businesses to motivate their communities for the duration of the events.
A free community toolkit offers ideas and inspiration to local communities. From FAN
zones in local green spaces and spectator hubs along the route, to opening
community club doors and offering open days, there are plenty of opportunities to get
involved and celebrate.
As well as the toolkit, an Activation Fund has been set up to financially support
parish and town councils, schools, constituted organisations and community groups
to inspire their communities to become involved. Grants are available up to the value
of £500 to support celebrations, activities, or other suitable community events.
For further information on the toolkit, fund and other opportunities to become
involved, visit the Active Essex website.
Parish council toolkit
For more information, advice and support from Active Essex for Parish and town
councils on how to use your community assets to engage the community in local
sport and physical activity.
Please see our easy to use Essex Town/ Parish Toolkit.