EALC Police E-Bulletin – November 2022

10th November 2022


 Please find below the EALC Police e-bulletin for the week commencing 7th November 2022.


 Latest News


This month, 74 new officers have joined the Essex Police family, taking the Full Time Equivalent number of officers to 3686. This is a record number for the force in its 182-year history.

There has been investment in new policing units, such as the popular Town Centre Teams, which provide a visible reassurance to rural and urban communities and a deterrent to criminals, along with the Quest team, which investigates non-recent child sexual abuse, and the Domestic Abuse Problem Solving Teams, supporting victims and bringing criminals to justice.

The new officers pledged their commitment to police with the consent of every community, at a time when the force is welcoming more new colleagues from a range of different backgrounds.


Essex Police, Fire, and Crime Commissioner, Roger Hirst, said:

“I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who is taking their oath today and joining the Essex Police family. You will be making a significant difference in our communities and making Essex an even safer place for everyone.

“I’m proud to say that Essex Police is now the largest it has ever been. Working alongside national government we have significantly increased the investment in policing over the last five years. By March 2023 we will have 900 extra officers. The people of Essex have shown incredibly strong support for the Force and have consistently chosen to invest more in policing. This is an important and historic day.”


Click HERE to watch Roger Hirst’s latest interview at the Parade last week.



His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) reviewed hundreds of police vetting files and found too many cases where people should not have been allowed to join the police, including officers with criminal records or links to organised crime. It also found cases where evidence that a prospective officer may present a risk to the public was ignored.

Inspectors found examples of police officers transferring between forces despite a history of concerning intelligence, complaints or misconduct allegations.


HMICFRS said there were incidents which should have been assessed as gross misconduct that were assessed as misconduct only, or not treated as misconduct at all.

The inspectorate concluded that a culture of misogyny, sexism and predatory behaviour towards female police officers and staff and members of the public still exists and is even prevalent in many forces.


HMICFRS has made 43 recommendations which include:

  • updating minimum standards for pre-employment checks;
  • establishing better processes for managing risks relating to vetting decisions, corruption investigations and information security;
  • improving the quality and consistency of vetting decision-making, and improving the recording of the rationale for some decisions;
  • extending the scope of the law on police complaint and misconduct procedures;
  • strengthening guidance for forces on vetting processes and relationships and behaviours in the workplace;
  • understanding and defining what constitutes misogynistic and predatory behaviour;
  • improving how the police collect corruption-related intelligence; and
  • improving how the police assess and investigate allegations of misconduct.


Please click HERE to view the report.


Roger Hurst, Essex PFCC has responded, saying:


“The public need to be able to trust the police. That is of fundamental importance. In Essex, the Service has worked very hard to ensure our vetting processes are identifying applicants who should not be allowed to become officers and the Service is robustly dealing with cases of misconduct from serving officers. This is a regular area of focus for me and my team as we provide scrutiny, on behalf of the public, of Essex Police.

“Essex Police were not one of the eight services covered by this report. The Service was last inspected in 2019 and the Chief Constable has assured me that all actions arising from this have been acted upon to the satisfaction of HMICFRS.

“This report raises real issues about the robustness of checks being undertaken nationally and this is of significant concern. I fully support the eight key areas highlighted for action and while Essex is not covered by the report, I will be working with the Chief Constable so the public and I can be assured that these issues are not happening in Essex.

“The public rightly expect the highest standards from their police officers and so do I.

“Policing is under concentrated scrutiny right now for the way it treats women and girls and this report on the national picture raises serious concerns.

“I cannot say that I experience what a woman experiences, but as a man I can stand up and condemn all male violence against women, and police officers need to condemn it, and protect women. We all need to do more to support women and girls, to rebuild their confidence and trust. Ensuring that services have the right recruitment and vetting procedures in place, is a step towards doing that.”




The 2nd November seen the Male Victims of Abuse Day, which has been introduced to raise awareness of the services that can help victims and survivors of domestic abuse.

Quoted from Essex Police, is has been found that one in every six to seven men will become a victim of domestic abuse at some point in their lifetime.

This abuse can come in many different forms and includes:


  • physical or sexual abuse;
  • violent or threatening behaviour;
  • controlling or coercive behaviour;
  • economic abuse;
  • psychological, emotional or other abuse.


‘More than one person suffers when abuse is happening, family members including children, friends, colleagues and neighbours and even the abusers themselves can all be affected in a very negative and destructive way. Domestic Abuse is an abhorrent crime that destroys lives and causes significant harm to victims. It is largest cause of harm in our county, and accounts for 19% of all recorded crime and 33% of all violent crime.


Essex Police work hard across the county with their partner agencies to encourage survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence to come forward. They want anybody affected by these hideous crimes to know that if they come forward and report crime against them they will be treated with care and compassion and provided with appropriate support.’


Support organisations can be found on the link below:



Alternatively, you can call the UK police non-emergency number, 101, if you need support or advice from the Police and it’s not an emergency. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use our textphone service on 18001 101.



Rural Engagement Team



Please find the latest news from RET who have been busy attending community events in the county, utilising the opportunity to provide crime prevention advice and also listening to concerns in our rural areas.

The ERP is pleased to see a focus on hare coursing as the season is underway with RET organising a meeting for our neighbouring forces, teaming up with the Police helicopter at Audley End Estate in Uttlesford to discuss action and swap ideas.

RET now have seized 6 vehicles since the start of the season.

Other stories include details of unauthorised encampments, and GPS farm thefts- Farmers in the area are to be reminded to lock all vehicles at night and undercover at night where they can.



Click the here for the presentation of the latest Crime and Performance Overview of the RET team, via Essex Rural Partnership.

This includes some useful information such as rural crime monthly trends, team achievements in Q3 and what they have planned for the months ahead.



Other useful links to the latest news from our partners:


District Engagement Reports















Castle Point






Epping Forest











General Information



More than 12% of the UK population live in areas at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea which can cause drowning. However, through flood safety education and knowing what to do before, during and after flooding, many of these drownings are preventable. Whether there are swollen rivers or general floodwater on roads and pathways, it is vital people follow simple common sense steps during periods of flooding to help ensure they and their families stay safe. Essex Fire and Rescue Service give the latest advice:

Flood Safety Tips

·         Never drive through floodwater and never attempt to cross if you don’t know how deep the water is. Just two feet of water will float a car;

·         Never try to swim through fast flowing water or floodwater – you may get swept away or be struck or caught on an object in the water;

·         Never allow children or pets to go near or play in floodwater. It is hazardous and may be contaminated with chemicals;

·         Keep an eye on weather reports for flooding in your area. Do not travel in heavy rain unless absolutely necessary;

·         Don’t assume fords are safe to cross just because the road is not closed, always look at the river level gauge and use your common sense;

·         Do not ignore road closed signs they are there for a reason;

·         Prepare a flood kit in case your home floods or you are trapped in a vehicle for any period. This should contain a change of clothing, wellies, waterproofs and blankets as well as a torch, charged mobile, radio, medication and a first aid kit and a list of useful numbers, including flood alert lines.


How to manage a car in flood water

·         Call for help, remove seatbelt and release any children from their seats;

·         Turn on all the lights and sound the horn to attract attention (only if this won’t delay your escape);

·         If the water level is low – open the windows and stay in the car;

·         If the water level is high – escape out of the windows, sunroof or doors onto the roof of the car. Stay with the car. If the car starts to move quickly with the water flow, get off the car, stay upstream from the car, and swim vigorously to safety;

·         If the water is entering the car – escape out of the windows, sunroof or doors (breaking windows if necessary). Stay upstream from the car, and swim vigorously to safety.


Essex Fire and Rescue Service also encourage the public to follow the Water Safety Code whenever you are around water-

  • STOP and THINK – Look for the dangers, always read the signs
  • STAY TOGETHER – Never swim alone – always go with friends or family
  • In an emergency:
  • CALL 999 – Shout for help and phone 999
  • FLOAT – If you fall in, float or swim on your back. Throw something that floats to anyone who has fallen in.


Please see the link below from Essex County Council on how to check your risk of flooding, how to report a flood and what you can do to help prevent flooding in your local community.



Local Events



There are a number of online and in person events taking place soon where you can put your questions to Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex. The next Public Meeting is:


Rochford- 23rd November 2022

Time: 7pm

Where: TBC- Updates to be posted at https://www.essex.pfcc.police.uk/events/pfcc-rochford-public-meeting/.


 Questions can be sent in advance to PFCC@essex.police.uk or posted at the event on the night.


Minutes from previous meetings can be found on the link below:




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