Business News from Rochford District Council – October 2023

6th October 2023

Have your say in the next Rochford District Council budget consultation

Do you run a business in the Rochford District?

Providing Economic Development Services (attracting investment, supporting business, and growing the local economy) costs an average of £3.49 per household per year.

Is this a service you feel we should spend less, the same or more on?
Rochford District Council would like to hear from businesses about your priorities for our 2024/2025 budget. Complete Budget Survey

For paper copies of the survey, email or contact Customer Services on 01702 546366.

Spaces filling quickly for the new GET SET GROW business growth programme

GET SET GROW is a new, FREE and exciting business growth programme from Brentwood Borough and Rochford District Councils, funded by the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund.

GET SET GROW will be delivered this autumn by a team of award-winning business coaches from The Consortium and is designed to help you grow (or start up) your business with a blend of group business coaching, one-to-one mentoring and the exclusive Big Pitch event in spring 2024!

To find out more about the programme please download the prospectus via our Council website. To apply to take part in Get Set Grow, please use online application form.

Final call to book your place at the Rochford Pop-Up Business Advice Clinic

Last chance to book in for next week!

Rochford District Council are pleased to announce, in partnership with BEST Growth Hub, that we are offering local businesses FREE confidential support via one-to-one, in-person sessions at a special pop-up event. Whether you have an idea for a new venture, have recently started your own company or are looking to accelerate your organisation’s growth, you’ll be able to access advice tailored for your business.

BEST Growth Hub’s friendly business expert Keith Powell will be at the Council Offices, South Street, Rochford, SS4 1BW, on Wednesday 11th October, offering free support to help your business succeed.

Booking is essential as limited appointments are available on a first come first served basis for those businesses located within Rochford District. To book your FREE appointment, call 03330 348 998 or email

Help to Grow: Management Course, want to know more?

Interested in training that could change your approach to business? Join this free webinar on Thursday 12th October from 12 to 1 pm, to learn more about the Help to Grow: Management Course.

Aimed at small business owners, this course aims to give your business a competitive edge and is open to all qualifying businesses in Essex.

Find out more and register for your free space on this 90% government-funded course.

Food & Drink Growth Masterclass

Calling all food and drink SMEs, you are invited to the East of England Food and Drink Growth Masterclass hosted by DEFRA and Essex County Council. The masterclass will take place on Thursday 2nd November at the County Hotel, Chelmsford. 11 am to 2.30 pm. You’ll be able to:

• participate in workshops on routes to market and innovation
• connect with organisations that can offer funding or support for your SME
• network with like-minded SMEs

There will also be a Meet the Buyer session, where successful applicants will be able to pitch their product to a buyer. Please book your place via Eventbrite


Connect Professionals – Changing day

Join 3 Chambers for Connect Professionals, their monthly FREE networking event, please note going forward these will now be held on the last Friday of each month. Next one is on Friday 27th October from 12 pm at Oyster Wharf Sports Bar, Rayleigh.

It’s a great opportunity to get to know your fellow professionals and meet new people who are interested in your field. You’ll have the opportunity to network with other professionals, share ideas and knowledge, and learn about upcoming events in the area. Sponsored by Charfleets, buffet lunch is provided.

Register soon as space is limited. Book your free place via Eventbrite

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